Wednesday 21 August 2019

My information report

In kakpo we are learning how to make a quality information report. I think I did really well in my information report. It was tricky at first but I after practice I got the hand of it. the hardest purple me was making the conclusion. 


Trigger-fish are a unique type of fish that are not really well known in the sea. Trigger-fish love to be around coral reefs. Trigger fish live in warm tropical waters.

 A Trigger-fish Diet is different to other fish because of the Comanches they eat. The Trigger fish eat delicious slimy Mollus,worms and crabs. Trigger-fish hunt their prey at the bottom of the sea.

Trigger fish is a very aggressive type of fish.
 They are actually so aggressive that it is common for them to bite snorkels if they get too close to its Territory but don't be worried, the bites are not that painful. Trigger-fish have a unique’ behaviour when it feels endangered it will move one of its dorsal fin like a trigger. I think that is pretty cool. 

Trigger fish have a lot of different colours like blue,yellow,white,black and Gray. Trigger fish have a detailed design that often induces lines and spots. All the detailed design helps them blend in with their habitat. Trigger fish teeth are so tiny but are so powerful. The appearance of a trigger fish are unique

A Lot of people think trigger fish taste sweet and people think
trigger fish actually taste good in any fish recipe.
The scientific name for trigger fish is Balistidae. The kingdom for Trigger fish is animalia. Trigger fish are a unique, interesting fish. 


1 comment:

  1. Hi Milan I love your paragraph about tiger sharks keep up the good work
