Wednesday 29 August 2018

tasted bread

tasted bread 

In Kakapo class we made bread this was learning a little bit about history and a little bit of cooking to. It was a fun learning activity that we did in groups of 4.AS it was fun we learning a lot of different stuff to.

so have you made bread  before ??? 

Friday 3 August 2018

This week in Kakapo class  we were learning about Sandra Silberzweig the artist.

The whole class drew a painting trying to be like her. Her drawings are abstract.We had to use lots and lots of pattern. She is a very creative artist. Her abstract paintings look so amazing.    

Today in kakapo class we got given a work sheet that was about literacy...

the worksheet in same part of the work sheet was so hard but other part were to easy.the success criteria was to highlight thing's that you don't understand yet! and mark with a buddy.