Tuesday 11 September 2018

My cool Article.

IN kakapo class today we are learning about how to make a news paper Article.It mused have a headline the headline is the title it need to be catchy and hook the reader in without giving away too much information.Then you need a lead paragraph this is the first paragraph of the report it must have the four ws. who- what- when- where. Now the body of the article the body is a "quote" a quote is any additional information the reader may need to know. The byline is the name of the writer/reporter the person who writes the article.

here is my article.   
Little Red Robin Hood comes to Pompallier.

At Pompallier school st Joseph church 3 actors from NZ
playhouse performed a show called little red robin hood.

The show has a very strong message about to sharing and to
be kind .A 10 year old student Mitchell wells said “the show
was not funny but still cool.”

Nz playhouse will continue their show in Australia.


  1. nice milin I loved how you explain alot about what you are learning about.

  2. Kia Ora Milin,
    You have definitley learned how to write a report properly. I did not know that a byline is the person that write the article. I know how to write a report. You would make a great news reporter.Well done. I learnt a lot from this blog. You created your article beautifully. Happy Blogging.
    Keep blogging about school.
    From Sophia
